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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Information And Communication Technologies And E-Commerce In Basque Companies: A Statistical Approach
Year 2002
Access date 24.03.2004
Full text doc (78k)
Abstract In the first months of the year 2000 a new survey was conducted by the Basque Statistical Office (Eustat) concerning the introduction and presence of the information and communications technologies among Basque companies. It was the second part of a larger project aiming at producing statistical data about the so-called Information Society, which has begun with the Survey on Information Society and Households. The major subjects of the Survey on Information Society and Companies are the following four sections: Information and Communication Technology equipment in Basque companies, including computers, mobile phones and Internet and other networks. The use of the Internet in companies, which includes the availability of a site and its main purposes. Electronic commerce, providing information about the type of e-commerce (B2B, B2C, etc.), the geographic origin or destination of the goods and services sold by this mean and factors which stimulate or go against the spread of it. Software of information management software. This section has been included for the first time in the 2002 issue of this survey, now being carried out. All types of companies of all activity branches but the primary sector are included in the 7.000 business establishments sample, and information is provided even for self- employed people.
Access/Direct link Homepage - conference (full text)
Year of publication2002
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
